Why sell on Artfinder?

When you join Artfinder you join the art marketplace - a friendlier, fairer world for independent artists.

Woman sat in front of art

Our worldwide community of artists is our biggest asset

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Over 450,000 art lovers

Reach a global audience of over 450,000 art lovers.

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Take control of your store

And your pricing, listings and get performance stats and insights.

Illustration of art tools

International community of artists

Join  and receive exclusive benefits, like partner discounts and access to our Forum.

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Dedicated support

Get help to improve the visibility of your seller’s page and increase your online presence as an artist.

Application process

Before starting the application process, please have a look at our Frequently Asked Questions


Tell us your story

Our customers want to buy from a real person. Make sure you tell us about yourself in an engaging and inspirational way.


Include your online presence

We require a personal website representing your work and/or Instagram or Facebook page with a clear focus on your art demonstrating your dedication.


Provide high-quality images


We only accept original art

We only accept applications for original, handmade art.


Copyright Infringement

Artfinder's focus is on original artwork and we therefore take matters of copyright infringement very seriously.


Limited editions

If you decide to apply to sell limited edition Fine Art Prints, you will be required to apply with your original artworks for the application purposes.

To learn more about Selling on Artfinder and how you can improve your chances of being accepted:

Some more things you should know

  • Artists on Artfinder are responsible for setting up their listings and managing their shops. Any associated text, along with any communication to customers, needs to be in English, as you will be reaching out to an international audience. Therefore, you must submit your application in English to avoid any miscommunications/translation issues during your review process.
  • To be registered as a gallery, you will need to be representing a minimum of 7 artists and will need to be uploading your own ID along with a selfie of you holding your ID (or the ID + selfie of the person managing the shop), in order to proceed.
  • If you are an agent to one artist or wish to represent one artist only, you will need to upload your ID + selfie of yourself holding your ID as part of the application and specify in the 'about artist' section that you will be their representative. When your application passes the pre-selection, we will reach out to complete KYC checks and request a signed contract to confirm you have been appointed to represent the artist on Artfinder. For more information, have a look here.
  • If a country does not appear in the return address section of the seller application, it is likely that we are unable to organise returns to this country so we recommend taking a look at our policy before you apply.
  • Artfinder reserves the right to decline applications at our discretion. We regret that we cannot respond to individual queries regarding declined applications.
  • We're currently experiencing a very high volume of applications and it may take between 8 - 10 weeks for you to receive a response.
  • Please do not contact us about the status of your application if it has been less than 10 weeks since the submission.

Sell your art as an independent artist